Balanced Mothering

10 Prayers to Say Daily for Your Husband

prayers to say daily for your husband

As a Christian wife, covering your husband in prayer is one of the most loving things you can do.  Personally, this is something I make time for every morning.  Below are the 10 prayers I say daily for my husband.

pray for his protection.

“Lord, I pray for your physical protection over my husband today.  Protect him from accidents, anyone who may wish him harm, and bad situations.  Be with him as he goes out into the world to provide for our family.”  Amen.

pray for his health & well-being.

“Lord, I pray you protect my husband from illness and any other physical ailments.  If there’s any disease lurking and unknown in his body, I pray your healing hand over him.  Please God, protect my husband mentally, emotionally, and physically.”  Amen.


pray he is a responsible father to your children.

“Lord, I pray you help my husband to be the father each of our children needs.  Help him to build a personal relationship with each of our children.  The Bible says in Ephesians 6:4 that fathers should not provoke their children to anger.  Help him to remember this as he interacts with our children.  

“I know that he oftentimes is exhausted after a long day of work, but help him to realize that those moments he spends with our children before bed are crucial.  Thank you for the children You have blessed us with, and help us to raise them according to Your will and Your way.”  Amen.


pray for his work.

“Thank you, Lord, for the fact that my husband can work and provide for our family.  Thank you for the job that you have provided him with.  Continue to open up doors of opportunity for my husband that no man can close.  Help him to continue to grow and thrive in the workplace.  Help him to make and achieve his goals as he works to provide an income for our family.”  Amen.


pray for his relationship with others.

“Lord, I pray for my husband’s relationship with others.  Help him to be smart and wise in how he interacts with other people today.  Help him to be a peacemaker, not a conflict-seeker.   If conflict does arise today, help him to handle the situation with grace and humility.  Remind him to always be a role model to those around him, especially to other young men and to those who look to him as a role model.”  Amen.

pray he has a personal relationship with god.

“Lord, I pray that my husband focuses daily on his relationship with You.  I pray that he is sensitive to You and Your plan for his life and our family.  Let him lean not on his own understanding, but to seek You in all things.” Amen.


pray for his leadership in your home.

“Lord, I pray that my husband is a good leader in our home.  Help him to protect our family should there ever be a need or circumstance.  Help my husband to become the spiritual leader in our home that you have called him to be.  Even though we are partners in our marriage, help me to honor my husband and the decisions he makes for our family.”  Amen.

pray for wise dedication of family finances.

“Lord, I thank you for the provisions you have given our family.  Help my husband and I to be good stewards of all the blessings you have provided us with.  Help us to use our finances to provide for ourselves, as well as for your Kingdom.”  Amen.

pray for his courage & strength.

“Lord, I pray you give my husband courage and strength, no matter what circumstances he may find himself in.  Help him to understand that courage and strength come from you.”  Amen.

pray you are the wife he needs at this moment.

“Lord, I do not know what my husband faced today.  Help me to be the wife he needs at this moment.  Help us both to be sensitive to one another and to help each other as we create a beautiful life together.  If it is Your will, I pray to grow old with my husband, hopefully, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  Thank you for all the blessings you have placed upon our family.”  Amen.


Covering your husband daily in prayer is one simple thing you can do as a woman of God.  Take those few minutes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life to come before the Lord with your partner.  Women do not realize what a strong power of prayer they possess within themselves.  We are truly called to be prayer warriors for our families.