Balanced Mothering


3 reasons to embrace mom guilt

3 Reasons to Embrace Mom Guilt

Mom guilt can best be described as the disappointment we feel when we haven’t met our expectations as mothers.  The feeling of mom guilt can be incredibly lonely and disheartening.  Oftentimes, mom guilt casts a shadow of shame and fear, which is not from the Lord. However, we can always find a silver lining when we view a negative emotion through God’s lens.  Because of this, we can start to view mom guilt as a positive aspect of our parenting journey.  Below are three reasons why embracing mom guilt is beneficial for Christian mothers. Embrace mom guilt to foster community with other moms. Sometimes, mom guilt can spur open discussion with other mothers.  Parenting is certainly not for the faint of heart, and it is the biggest responsibility God has given us.  Because of this, the pressures of parenting can often lead to feelings of uncertainty and fear. Most of us have faced the irrational fear that we are somehow messing up our children.  When you surround yourself with other Christian moms and role models, you can find inspiration and encouragement, especially when overwhelmed by mom guilt.  Learn from other women who have already navigated the challenges you are facing.  In Titus 2:3-5, the Bible instructs older women, or those more mature in Christ, to mentor younger women.  They should be revered as godly examples of how to cope with the trials of motherhood. The Bible is full of examples of older women mentoring the next generation. For instance, Naomi guided her daughter-in-law Ruth as she embarked on a relationship with Boaz and later aided in the upbringing of Ruth’s son, Obed. In 2 Timothy, we see the example of Timothy, who received a strong religious upbringing from his mother, Lois, and grandmother, Eunice, despite his father being an unbeliever.  Truthfully, there is so much wisdom to be gained from those who have already been through the journey of motherhood. Furthermore, it’s important to connect with other mothers in the same stage of parenting.  You can provide one another with encouragement and support through various parenting obstacles. Offer advice to other moms facing parenting challenges you have already experienced. As mothers, having a trustworthy support system is such an invaluable resource.  Remember, the root of mom guilt stems from our perceived failures and shortcomings.  Transform that negativity into positivity by fostering a community of like-minded women. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY AFFIRMATION CARDS FOR MOMS! Embrace mom guilt because it encourages us to lean on god. Thankfully, God covers our imperfections with His grace and understanding!  Embrace mom guilt by turning to the Bible and its many examples of God’s love towards us. In Philippians 4:6-7, the Bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV)  This just about says at all!  Turn to God in prayer when you are struggling with feelings of mom guilt.  Lay all your anxieties, fears, and shortcomings at His feet, and let him carry those burdens for you.   Many Bible verses are an encouragement when you are filled with mom guilt.  Some of my favorites include: “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1 (NIV) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) “There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 (NIV) “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22 (NIV) “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest in me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9   ClICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY AFFIRMATION CARDS FOR MOMS! Embrace mom guilt by modeling empathy & forgiveness to your children. Inevitably, we will make mistakes in parenting time and time again.  That’s just the reality.  For instance, there may be moments when we are short with our child because we’re busy, and they’ve been asking the same question every ten minutes for the past hour.  Or we might raise our voice at our preteen, who is testing the boundaries of our patience that day.  I’m just a mom speaking from personal experience here… However, these moments of “less-than-stellar” parenting provide us the perfect opportunity to model empathy and forgiveness to our children.  Surprisingly, nobody expects us to be perfect parents—least of all our kids! As I have told my children many times, it’s not about mistakes made but how we respond to them that truly matters. Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  Every time we apologize and ask our children for forgiveness, we reinforce the importance of that behavior in them as they grow.  The central message of Christianity is that Christ died on the cross for our sins so that we can be forgiven.  As parents, it is vital to model and create a Christ-centered home emphasizing the importance of forgiveness. Ephesians 4:32 reminds us, “Be

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7 Tips for Navigating a rough patch in your marriage

7 Tips for Navigating a Rough Patch in your Marriage

Inescapably, at some point, you will face a rough patch in your marriage.  Learning how to navigate conflict and emerge victorious on the other side is crucial for a happy and lasting relationship.  In a time when divorce is so prevalent, it can be tempting to throw in the towel when things get rough.  Often, putting in the work to fix and heal your marriage may seem daunting.  You might wonder, is it worth the effort?  Is it too far gone?  Can I forgive?  The answer is yes; with some effort, you can.  It may not be easy, and it will take time, but your marriage is so worth it.  At its core, marriage is the union of two very different and imperfect individuals.  In Genesis 3:16 it says, “Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”  This verse shows that there will be times of conflict, and you will certainly face power struggles with your partner.  However, Luke 1:37 also states, “For with God nothing is impossible.”  There is peace and understanding on the other side of every situation.  Below are seven steps you can take when working through a rough patch in your marriage and moving towards healing your relationship. wallow in your feelings – but don’t stay there too long. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when dealing with a rough patch in your marriage is simply burying your feelings and emotions.  This may provide temporary relief, but eventually, those feelings will resurface, often at the most unexpected times and places.  Acknowledging your emotions, whatever they may be, is the first step toward addressing the situation at hand. It’s important not to remain in a state of anger, despair, or darkness for too long.  Allow yourself the time and space to grieve or process any hurt feelings.  After that, make a conscious decision to distance yourself from that negative space so you can begin moving toward healing. By pulling yourself out of negativity, you can clear your mind, focus on the problem at hand, and create a plan of action.  This approach will help you process your emotions and take those first steps forward.   clean up your side of the street. No matter what challenges you may be facing during a rough patch in your marriage, it’s essential to remember that there are always two sides to every story.  The situation you find yourself in is a result of the actions of both partners, not just one.  It’s easy to blame your significant other when things go wrong, but it’s crucial to first look inward and recognize your contributions to the issues at hand. Right now, your focus should be on understanding how your actions have led you to this point.  Consider which areas of your life need reflection and improvement.  What aspects of yourself require healing and resolution? Use this moment as an opportunity for soul-searching and personal growth.  Remember that self-improvement is a lifelong journey.  There is beauty in the fact that, with God’s grace, our lives are a continuous process of growth filled with second chances.   click here to get YOUR FREE DAILY PRAYERS FOR your HUSBAND BOOKMARK! focus on your own self-care. In times of trouble, it’s important to prioritize self-care.  Focusing on your well-being can help you maintain a positive mental outlook despite your current situation.  As the saying goes, “When you look good, you feel good.” Engaging in good self-care can have a positive impact on your mood.  Participate in activities that bring you joy—whatever that may be—as a way to help you manage the stress you may be experiencing.  This will enable you to think more clearly and make decisions from a place of maturity and rationality. Additionally, self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant or costly.  I’m not suggesting you book a luxurious spa day.  Instead, self-care can be as simple as taking a bath, trying out some new skincare products, or relaxing with a good book.  These simple activities can provide you with a positive outlook and help shift your mindset, which is especially important during a rough patch in your marriage.   put hurt feelings aside & just have fun. There is truth in the adage, “laughter is the best medicine.”  Laughter and having fun can significantly contribute to healing and rebuilding connections.  Sometimes, the best thing you can do for your marriage is to set aside hurt feelings and just enjoy time with your spouse. Spending quality time together can help you remember the good times and the reasons you fell in love in the first place.  Take the time to engage in activities you both enjoy.  Whether it’s going to the movies, bowling, or cooking a meal together, find something that brings you joy.  This shared experience can help soften your heart towards each other and allow you to rediscover the person you married. In long-term marriages, it is easy to become complacent and forget how to “date” your spouse.  We often think we know everything about our partner and stop trying to create new experiences together.  However, this is far from the truth!  As individuals, we are always growing, learning, and evolving.  The goal should be to continually date your significant other.  You might be surprised by what you continue to learn and discover about the person you married.   pray for your spouse & lean into your faith. One of the greatest gifts you can give your spouse is to pray for them, both in good times and in bad.  Honestly, it can be incredibly difficult to pray for your spouse in a moment when they are your least favorite person. However, this is when you should pray the hardest.  Pray for understanding and wisdom regarding your situation.  Ask God to heal your heart and your partner’s heart. Prayer acts as a balm that helps soothe the fear, anxiety, and stress you may be feeling.  Remember, Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious

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7 ways to be an active listener in your marriage

7 Ways to be an Active Listener in your Marriage

I’ll be honest; I haven’t always been the best listener.  It is still an area where I require a lot of grace and constant practice.  However, I’ve learned that one of the biggest gifts I can give my spouse is to be an active listener in our marriage.  By being an active listener, I am treating my husband with respect and giving him a safe space to express his feelings. Safety is something that we all crave and desire–especially from the person who is supposed to be our closest ally on Earth.  I believe being an active listener is crucial for a healthy and happy marriage.  Below are seven strategies to help you better engage your partner and have true, meaningful conversations on a deeper level. An active listener is in the moment. Life is busy!  There’s a constant list of to-do’s running through my brain at any given moment.  I blame it on that Type A personality I’ve been blessed with!  However, there is a time and place for everything. When I am sitting down and having a conversation with my spouse, I make sure to be present and in the moment.  This is a time to be cherished.  We all talk about how we wish we had better communication with our spouses, but when those moments arise, we neglect them. When you are having a conversation with your spouse, put everything else to the side: you’re to-do’s, the needs of your family, or whatever else might be on your mind.  Those things can all wait.  Right now, give your spouse the 100% you both deserve. An active listener makes eye contact. One of the easiest ways to show your spouse that you are present in a conversation is to give them eye contact.  Resist the urge to look at your phone.  Or, for that matter, stop whatever you are doing altogether.  Eye contact is such a simple way to show that you are engaged and actively listening. Eye contact shows that you are interested in what the other person is saying.  You are signaling that you are focused on them and whatever information they are relaying.  It adds a level of value to the speaker that encourages them to open up, which often results in more meaningful conversation. Eye contact is especially important during an emotionally-charged conversation.  Giving eye contact helps you convey your emotions while simultaneously showing empathy to your partner.  They can see that emotion and empathy in your eyes, which allows them to feel safe in opening up about their feelings.  Men especially tend to struggle with emotions, so try to always be that safe and understanding space for your husband. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR HUSBAND BOOKMARK! an active listener isn’t planning their response. Oftentimes, especially if the conversation we are having with our spouse is of the more “heated” variety, we tend to let our mouths run ahead of us.  I know that I have certainly been guilty of this in the past. Our gut reaction is to put up our defenses and respond without thinking, which, of course, usually leads to an unnecessary escalation.  Eventually, we are engaged in an argument that probably has nothing to do with the original topic at hand. The truth is that when you are thinking about your response, you aren’t listening in the first place.  That all-too-important advice of “listen before you speak” is crucial when it comes to communicating with your spouse.  So much unnecessary marital strife would be avoided just by following that one simple practice. An active listener is sensitive to non-verbal cues. There is so much you are conveying to your spouse without even saying a word.  Using and understanding body language is a key element in becoming an active listener. For example, if you are slumped over, arms across your chest, and looking at the floor, what message are you giving your spouse?  Probably one of disinterest and boredom.  On the other hand, if you are sitting up, making eye contact, and have an open posture, you are showing your spouse that you are active and engaged in the conversation.  Other ways you can be a more active listener through body language include nodding your head when appropriate and mirroring your spouse’s body language. You can also get a lot of non-verbal clues from your spouse’s body language during conversation.  For instance, If your spouse is smiling, making eye contact, and has an inviting posture, they are feeling good about the conversation.  However, if your spouse has their arms crossed or is defensive in posture, it’s probably best to put that conversation aside for a later time.  Learn to use visual cues and body language to your advantage to improve and create an effective conversation with your loved one. An active listener engages with open-ended questions. Usually, unless you are having a “soap box” moment, one-sided conversations aren’t fun for anybody involved.  Show interest and be an active listener by asking open-ended questions.  This will help keep the conversation flowing and lead to deeper, more meaningful conversations. Open-ended questions help get to the root of your spouse’s feelings and needs, allowing them to build more trust in you by feeling heard and understood.  Also, gentle probing with open-ended questions can give you greater insight into your spouse’s mind, helping you understand the reason behind their actions and behaviors. We all want to know our significant other on a deeper level, so be curious and encourage your spouse with open-ended questions.  This will lead to a closer bond and deeper friendship. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR HUSBAND BOOKMARK! An active listener paraphrases for understanding & asks for clarification when necessary. As a rule, interrupting is not the move.  However, don’t be afraid to paraphrase or ask for clarification if you do not understand something.  This shows your significant other that you are on the same page.  At our core, we all

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7 habits of a morning person

7 Habits of a Morning Person

Being a morning person sounds great in theory until your alarm clock goes off at 6 am, and you barely peel yourself from the cozy confines of your bed.  However, there is something so satisfying about waking up before the sun has even made it up over the horizon. Like many, I find that I am most productive in the morning.  Don’t get me wrong, I still thoroughly enjoy sleeping in on a cozy weekend morning.  However,  at my core, I am a morning person.  I thrive in the morning and enjoy having that time to myself.  I’ve learned that waking up early is worth the effort, and it has easily become my favorite part of the day. Being a morning person doesn’t always come naturally.  It is something that requires a level of intentionality and discipline.  Below are seven habits to implement into your routine to make the most of each day.   A morning person understands the importance of a nighttime routine. A good night’s rest leads to a more productive morning.  Because of this, it’s important to have a good nighttime routine in place.  Things to consider are taking a bath, journaling, a comforting drink, stretching, or whatever else helps you wind down at the end of the day.  Also, be mindful of your eating habits.  There is an old quote that says, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.”  Nothing is more uncomfortable than being too full at night and having it interfere with your sleep!  It is best to have a light dinner at least two hours before bed to allow your body to properly digest your meal and have better overall rest. Finally, consider turning off your screens at least two hours before bed.  If possible, stick to reading.  However, if you choose to use a screen, opt for changing out your bulbs to red light or use blue light glasses to reduce sleep interference. Ben Franklin said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”  He was right on the money (literally!).  All jokes aside, to successfully wake up early in the morning, you need to go to bed at an appropriate time.  Good sleep is so important for many reasons, including increased productivity, restoring our bodies, and just better overall health.   Make sure to set a bedtime for yourself that aims for at least eight hours of good, restful sleep each night.   a morning person builds up to their desired wake-up time. Don’t expect to become a morning person overnight.  This will inevitably lead to frustration when you fail in the morning.  Instead, think of becoming a morning person as a marathon, not a sprint.  Take baby steps towards an earlier waking time, which leads to lasting results and greater overall success. First, start by deciding what you want your final rising time to be.  Say, for instance, you want to start waking up at 6 am each morning.  If you are currently waking up at 9 am, start by waking up at 8 am.  This means that your bedtime should be no later than midnight to allow for eight hours of sleep.  After a couple of nights, adjust your bedtime and wake up a little bit earlier.  Repeat this process until you reach your desired wake-up time.   Also, try your best to stick to the same sleep schedule on the weekends.  This allows your body to set its circadian rhythm based on your current sleep patterns and habits, eventually allowing you to wake up without an alarm clock.  Not using an alarm clock is ideal, as it is a much gentler way to start the day. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE PRODUCTIVITY CHECKLIST FOR MOMS! a morning person avoids the snooze button. If you do use an alarm clock, don’t allow it to sabotage your efforts.  Fight the temptation and resist the urge to push that snooze button!  This only leaves you groggier and more sluggish throughout the morning.  I know it’s hard, but force yourself to get up the first time your alarm goes off. A helpful tip is to put your phone or alarm clock on the other side of the room.  This requires you to physically get up and turn off your alarm.  Once you are up, use that momentum and continue with your morning.  Leave your room as soon as possible to avoid the temptation of getting back in bed. A morning person prioritizes their morning routine. You need to have a good “why,” or driving force, for waking up early each morning.  This starts by having a solid morning routine in place.  Choose two or three non-negotiable activities, and use these as a starting point for creating your morning routine.  Activities here can include morning skincare, taking a walk, morning prayer and devotionals, journaling, exercise, or even a fun drink you look forward to each morning.  It takes time to establish a new routine, but soon, it will become an important part of your day.  Having activities you enjoy ensures that you are successful, so make sure they are meaningful to you.  Use these pockets of bliss in the morning to do the things you love that will set the tone and pace for each day.   CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE PRODUCTIVITY CHECKLIST FOR MOMS! a morning person enjoys the benefits of early morning sun. There are so many benefits to getting sunshine in your eyes first thing in the morning.  It can lead to a more regular circadian rhythm, increased energy and focus, reduced stress, and an overall boost in mood.  Also, don’t forget to get outside on those cloudy or rainy days, too, because even if you can’t see the sun, you are still reaping its benefits!  If possible, aim for at least fifteen minutes outside each morning.  This can be in the form of a morning walk or even just sitting on your porch

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8 steps for creating a budget

8 Steps for Creating a Budget and Sticking to it!

A budget is a great tool for helping you get your spending on track to reach your financial goals.  If we’re being honest, most of us are probably living outside of our means, especially in these difficult financial times. Learning how to budget effectively is important, whatever season of life you are in,  whether you are a single individual or creating a sustainable budget for your family.  We all have financial needs and goals!  By creating a budget, we are also being good stewards of the resources we have been given and making sure that our money is being used in the best way possible.   different budgeting methods. There are lots of options when it comes to budgeting methods.  Some of the most popular budgeting strategies include the zero-based budget, the 50/20/30 budget, the envelope method, and the pay-yourself-first method. The zero-based budget is essentially taking a certain period, generally a month, and allocating all of your resources down to zero.  Meaning that each month, you are starting from a “zero” base.  This method is unique because it takes into account each month individually, allowing you to reassess your needs regularly.  Each month can look a little different, depending on the resources coming in and varied spending needs. The 50/20/30 method is also a very popular budgeting strategy.  First, you take 50% of your net income and apply it to your needs.  The next 30% is applied toward your wants.  Finally, the last 20% of your net income is applied towards your savings.  Similarly, the 60/30/10 budgeting method has also recently become popular.  Essentially, it is the same principle, with 60% going to needs, 30% going to wants, and 10% going towards savings. A really simple budgeting style is the envelope method.  This method relies on using a cash system.  I don’t know about you, but I find it much harder to spend cash versus credit!  Because of that, the envelope method can be great for those trying to curb impulse spending. Likewise, some people might find that using the envelope method is great for a short period, especially when saving for something in particular, to bolster your savings account, or when planning a trip.  For this method, you withdraw a sum of cash each month and divide it into envelopes based on your personal spending needs.  Categories can include groceries, gas, bills, etc. Finally, the pay-yourself-first method is just what it sounds like.  You treat saving money as a “bill,” choosing first to pay yourself before allocating the rest of your funds to your needs and wants.  This method is simple and allows you to focus on prioritizing your savings. Below are eight steps to create a budget strategy that works for you.   understand your spending before creating your budget. Before creating a monthly budget, it is first important to understand where your money is currently going.  In the age of credit cards, DoorDash, and online shopping, most of us are probably spending more than we realize! To get a clear idea of your current spending habits, review several months of your statements.  This will help you get a good average as to what you spend in each category, later helping you determine your budgeting needs.  Seeing these numbers in black and white can be a shock, but take a deep breath, it’s going to be okay.  Be proud that you are taking those initial steps to take back control of your spending!   Also, if you have a partner, it is important to be on the same page.  By doing this task together, you can both hold each other accountable to staying on track with your financial goals.   CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE FINANCIAL PLANNER! calculate your net monthly income. Once you have a firm grasp on your spending habits, it’s time to see how much money is coming in each month.  This number is your “net income,” or the money you receive after taxes are applied.   If you are a W-2 employee and receive a pay stub, this is your net pay for that period.  Let’s say, for example, that you receive a weekly pay stub.  To find out what you take home each month, take the net amount earned each week and multiply by 52 weeks in a year.  Then, divide the number by 12 to see how much your net income is each month. If you are not paid with a W-2, figuring out your monthly net income can be a little tricky.  In this case, you can look back on several months of bank statements and get an estimate of what you earn each month.  If your monthly income varies greatly, you can also take into account whatever you “anticipate” you will earn for a particular month.  It’s important to err on the side of caution and always underestimate your net income to avoid any surprises.  Especially with a varied monthly income, reviewing your budget regularly will be particularly important.  Finally, if you do not receive a W-2, remember to always set aside 30-35% of your income to avoid a tax bill surprise at the end of the year!   itemize your expenses. With a net income in hand, you can start to itemize your expenses into different categories.  Your “needs” fall under your “fixed” expenses.  These include things like mortgage, rent, and other bills.  I also like to include tithing and savings in the “fixed” category, treating them like another bill each month.  Generally, fixed expenses are the same amount each month and occur with the same frequency, so they are easy to place within your budget.   I find it particularly helpful to have a calendar bill tracker.  This helps me see exactly what bills need to be paid each particular week.  Since each month varies, I am better able to anticipate what is due and avoid any surprises.  Also, this can be a great tool for making sure that your bills are spread throughout the month in a way

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cycle syncing: eating & moving according to your cycle

Cycle Syncing: Eating & Moving According to Your Cycle

Just a disclaimer: I am not a medical professional.  The following information is based on my research and findings as I work towards healing my own body.  Please do your own research and consult with your doctor before making any medical decisions. A normal menstrual cycle can be between 21 and 35 days, but averages about 28 days.  During the menstrual cycle, women experience a rise and fall in their hormones as the body prepares for a potential pregnancy.  When pregnancy doesn’t occur, a woman will experience her period. Cycle syncing is essentially modifying your lifestyle to align with the four phases of your menstrual cycle.  The four phases are the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase.  For easier understanding, each of the four phases can be correlated to one of the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall, respectively.   Cycle syncing can help you balance your hormones, reduce inflammation, boost your energy, regulate period symptoms, improve fertility, reduce stress, and have a better overall understanding of your health and well-being.  Below are strategies you can implement during each phase of your cycle.   Wintertime: The Menstrual Phase The menstrual phase is defined as the start of your period when bleeding begins.  The menstrual phase is generally recognized as days 1 – 5, the average length of bleeding, although normal periods can range from 3 to 8 days. The menstrual phase is the “winter” season of your menstrual cycle.  This is the time to hunker down, get cozy, and give your body the rest it needs. Energy levels are usually pretty low during this time, so take it easy and dial back on your to-do list.  When I think of winter, I think of warm, hearty foods, which is exactly what your body is craving during this time.   It’s also important to make sure you stay hydrated during this time, as your body is working extra hard.  Staying hydrated can also help keep that bloating at bay and help prevent water retention. Foods you can include during your menstrual cycle: Iron-rich foods, such as dark leafy greens, grass-fed beef, bone broth, beans, and whole grains. Foods high in Vitamin C (to help with iron absorption), such as citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, and papaya. Foods high in Vitamin K, such as eggs, grass-fed beef liver, dark leafy greens, blueberries, and pomegranate. Foods high in protein and fiber, such as lentils, beans, cruciferous vegetables, chicken, nuts & seeds, tofu, and high-quality, organic dairy products. Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild-caught fish, flaxseed oil, nuts, and seeds. Magnesium-rich foods, such as dark chocolate, spinach, cashews, almonds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds.  Herbs and adaptogens you can include in your diet during the menstrual phase include:    Nettle leaf Ginger Tumeric Jujube Cinnamon Raspberry leaf Female ginseng Willow bark Chaga Cloves This is the time to listen to your body when it comes to movement.  If you are feeling very low energy, don’t push it and just rest!  However, if you do feel able, getting some movement in may help ease period symptoms, such as cramps and bloating.   The best movement for the menstrual phase includes:  Low-intensity cardio, such as walking, swimming, and cycling. Low-impact and restorative exercises, such as yoga, Pilates, weight training with light weights, and bodyweight exercises.  CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE GROCERY LIST PRINTABLE! Springtime: the follicular phase The follicular phase begins on the first day of your period and lasts until ovulation, which for most women is around days 13 to 14 of the menstrual cycle.  This can be confusing as the menstrual phase overlaps with the beginning of the follicular phase.   The follicular phase is like the “spring” season of the menstrual cycle.  It is a time of rebirth when energy levels are starting to increase again.   For most women, energy starts to improve around day 3 of your Menstrual cycle, but remember to listen to your body.  If your body feels like it needs some extra rest, then continue to rest.   During the follicular phase, you will likely feel a mood boost due to the increase in estrogen, and your self-confidence will also start to increase.  This is a great time to start a new project, as you will experience better levels of concentration.  Also, make time for your loved ones and nurture your relationships, as you will be feeling more social. During the first half of your follicular phase, while you are still bleeding, stick to warm, hearty meals, including foods listed for the menstrual phase.  As you enter the second half of your follicular phase, you will likely start to crave lighter, fresher food.  Also, to prevent inflammation, it is best to stay away from highly processed foods and refined sugar. Foods you can include during your follicular phase include:  Fermented, probiotic foods (to help support your hormones and gut health), such as kimchi, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. Protein (to support hormone balance and energy), such as chicken, bone broth, grass-fed beef, legumes, tofu, eggs, beans, turkey, and fish. Nuts and seeds, such as pumpkin, flax, cashews, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and sesame seeds. Antioxidant and vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, berries, pears, grapes, kiwis, and watermelon. Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, oats, and legumes. Non-starchy vegetables, such as peppers, asparagus, zucchini, and bell peppers. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and cabbage. Healthy fats, such as avocado, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and olive oil Foods that are high in vitamin B, such as full-fat dairy, eggs, sardines, and leafy greens. Herbs and adaptogens you can include in your diet during the follicular phase:    Parsley Nettle Turmeric Holy basil Dandelion root Rosemary Astragalus root Chamomile Primrose Red clover Burdock root Schisandra Rehmannia Ginseng When it comes to movement, you will probably be low energy and fatigued during the first half of the follicular phase (while bleeding

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prayers to say daily for your child.

10 Prayers to Say Daily for your Child

Covering our children in prayer is one of the most loving things we can do as parents.  In our ever-changing world, these little people we have been entrusted with need prayer now more than ever.  Below are ten prayers to say daily for your child. pray for their protection. “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.” Psalm 91:11 (NLT) Lord, I pray for Your protection over my child today.  Be with them wherever they go.  Protect them from bad people, bad situations, and bad circumstances.  Let them be wise in whatever situation they may find themselves in. Amen. pray they know god’s truth. “GUIDE ME IN YOUR TRUTH AND TEACH ME, FOR You are god my savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” psalm 25:5 (NIV) Lord, guide my child towards You and Your truth.  Help them to know You and to develop a personal relationship with You.  Order their path and steps all the days of their life.  I pray that when they are older, they walk in Your will and Your way for their life.  Amen. pray for their health & well-being. “BELOVED, I Pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2 (NKJV) Lord, I pray for the health and well-being of my child.  Bless them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.  I pray that their bodies and brains develop normally.  I pray that their growth is normal and proportional.  I pray that you protect them from all illness and disease.  Amen. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR CHILD BOOKMARK! pray to be the mother they need. “SHE SPEaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” proverbs 31:26 (NIV) Lord, help me to be the mother my child needs.  Help me to raise my child according to Your will and Your way.  Help me to be firm, yet gentle and kind.  Wherever I am lacking, Lord give me grace and understanding.  Guide me as a mother and show me how to raise a God-fearing child.  Amen. pray they have the father they need. “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them.  rather, bring them up with discipline and instruction that comes from the lord.” ephesians 6:4 (NLT) Lord, help my husband to be the father my child needs.  Help him not to provoke our child to anger, but instead to bring them up in Your discipline and instruction.  Let him be an example to my child of what it means to be a man of God.  Amen. pray for their education. “the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 (nkjv) Lord, I pray for my child’s education.  I pray that they learn all they need to learn to be a successful and productive adult, knowing how to apply all that they have learned in the real world.  I pray that You protect their eyes from false teachings.  Let them know that true wisdom and understanding come only from You.  I pray that my child develops a true love of learning and appreciates the blessing of the gift of learning.  I pray that my child can learn new concepts and ideas easily.  Amen.   pray for their peace & security. “peace i leave with you, my peace i give to you; not as the world gives do i give to you.  let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” john 14:27 (nkjv) Lord, I pray that you cover my child in Your peace and security.  I pray that they do not have a spirit of fear, but rather one of complete faith in You, regardless of whatever situation they are in.  Help them to lean on You and seek You in times of trouble.  Amen. pray they are sensitive to god’s teaching. “call to me and i will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV) Lord, I pray my child is sensitive to Your truth and teaching.  I pray that they hear Your voice and will for their lives.  I pray that they are sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Bless them and guide them, I pray, Lord.  Amen.   pray for their future. “for i know the plans i have for you, declares the lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) Lord, I pray for my child’s future.  I pray that you prepare a godly spouse for my child.  Guide my child with Your wisdom as they follow Your path for their life.  Direct my child to the purpose You have planned for their life.  Amen. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR CHILD BOOKMARK! pray for their relationship with others. “walk with the wise and become wise, associate with fools and get in trouble.” proverbs 13:20 (NLT) Lord, I pray for my child’s relationships with others.  Help them to surround themselves with like-minded individuals.  Protect them from those that would bring them harm and hinder them in their walk with You.  Lord, as iron sharpens iron, let them do the same to all those they encounter.  Let them be a positive influence on those around them.  I pray that they are surrounded by positive and healthy relationships in all areas of their life, whether in their family life, their outside life, or with their future spouse.  Amen. All these prayers will help set your child up for success, whatever they may encounter.  We cannot live our child’s life for them, no matter how much we would like to.  We cannot protect them from everything and cannot make all their decisions.  The greatest gift we can give our children is all the prayers we gather up daily for them in our hearts.   

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16 habits of extremely happy moms

16 Habits of Extremely Happy Moms

Do you know one of those moms that just exudes joy?  The kind of mom that seems to have it mostly together?  I know that’s the kind of mom I aspire to be!  Although being a happy mom all the time is not a reality, there are certain things we can do to have better, more productive, and less stressful days, which lead to a happier disposition.  Below are 16 habits you can implement to be a happier mom.   happy moms wake up early. You have heard this over and over again, and for good reason!  Waking up early should be considered a gift of self-care, as it sets the tone and intention for your day.  It is a discipline that leads to increased productivity, better sleep, a better mental disposition, and numerous other benefits.  Also, there is something so therapeutic about that stillness and silence as the world is waking up. Use the early morning to pour into your cup and prepare for the coming day.  Prioritize a morning routine that boosts your mood and makes you happy. As moms, this time may not always be solo, and that’s okay.  Consistency is key, and your kids will learn to understand that this is mom’s time.  This is also a good time to teach them the importance of having a routine.  They can mirror your morning activities, such as morning hygiene and moving their body, and start building good, life-long habits.  If your children are still quite young, waking up early after an exhausting night with babies may be the furthest thing from your mind.  That’s understandable, and mornings might look different during this season.  However, take advantage of those early morning hours whenever possible.  Also, make sure to step outside and take full advantage of those early morning rays.  This will help regulate your circadian rhythm and again give you that “good mood” boost throughout the day.   Happy moms time block for maximum productivity. Having schedules in place provides a sense of predictability, improves productivity, and keeps everyone happy, including Mom!  Schedules are the cornerstone to managing life and keeping things running smoothly.  Essentially, schedules are how you organize the items on your to-do list throughout your day.   It’s important to keep schedules simple to avoid getting overwhelmed and being counterproductive.  First, find a planning method that works for you, whether paper, digital, or a combination of both.  I find it helpful to break tasks down into monthly, weekly, and daily. Next, utilize the power of time-blocking, or setting designated chunks of time for each task.  For example, you may have a time block for your morning routine, household tasks, work tasks, etc.   CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR FREE PRODUCTIVITY CHECKLIST FOR MOMS! happy moms optimize their to-do list. Now that you’ve organized your routines and planned your schedules, it’s time to optimize your to-do list.  Make sure your to-do list works for you, not against you.  Overwhelming yourself by writing a long and complicated to-do list is an easy way to stress yourself out and get the cranky mom blues. The key to a good to-do list is to make sure that you do not have too many items on your plate.  What is the point of creating an impossible to-do list that is going to make you feel bad at the end of the day?  Keep it simple, and keep it manageable.   Happy moms know their “why”. What gets you out of bed every day?  As moms, almost certainly, we start thinking of our families.  It’s kind of a given!   While that is certainly part of our why, it shouldn’t be the only reason. Nobody wants to just coast in life without any meaning or purpose.  Each of us has a desire to succeed and reach our goals, whether we are stay-at-home moms or working moms.   A simple way to start achieving those goals and defining that purpose is to create a mission statement for your life.  Most of us have probably heard the phrase “mission statement” at some time or another.  Essentially, a mission statement is a brief explanation of your purpose, values, and goals.   Take the time to spell out your mission statement, and put it somewhere you will see it every day.  A mission statement provides motivation and keeps you on track to achieving your goals. Happy moms work smarter, not harder. As moms, we are constantly juggling many hats, so having systems in place for completing tasks helps keep anxiety and stress at bay.  A less stressed mom is a happier mom.   Another way to work smarter and not harder is to fight the urge to “multi-task.”  Trying to complete multiple tasks simultaneously can backfire tremendously, ultimately making tasks take longer.  Instead, complete your tasks one at a time.  This will make you more efficient and more productive in the long run.   happy moms set measurable goals. There is something so satisfying about setting your mind on something and achieving that goal.  Setting a goal gives life purpose and direction.  Having a goal can even help pull you out of a rut. The key to goal setting is to make sure that it is achievable and measurable.  I like to use the S.M.A.R.T. acronym.  The “S” in smart stands for specific.  Avoid overgeneralizing your goal, and be very specific about what you are trying to achieve.   Next, the “M” stands for measurable.  It is important to make sure that your goal is measurable.  You can do this by setting specific checkpoints for your goal.  This helps keep you on track and breaks down that bigger goal into smaller chunks.  Those smaller chunks make your goal more achievable, which is the “A” the S.M.A.R.T.  We all have those large, lofty goals, which are good.  We should all dream!  However, make sure your goals are achievable and have actionable steps. The “R” in the acronym stands for relevant.  Essentially, you want to make sure that whatever goal you

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16 work from home mom secrets for success

16 Work from Home Mom Secrets For Success

Working from home is not for the faint of heart, and contrary to popular belief, it is not easy!  There is a constant juggle that exists for mothers, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or a mom who works outside of the home.  When you mix the two, you add a new layer of difficulty.  But when done correctly, it is the biggest blessing.  I love that I can be there for my kids and raise them, while also helping to bring additional income for my family.  It is that Proverbs 31 woman goal that many Christian moms are ascribing to! To be successful as a work-from-home mom, you need to have a certain mindset and systems in place to help you manage your home and achieve your goals.  Below are 16 secrets to help you maximize your time and responsibilities.   work from home secret #1: Wake up before your kids We have all heard this tip before.  It seems so basic and insignificant, but it can make a world of difference.  Now, this doesn’t mean waking up hours before your kids; even a few minutes to yourself is great.  This “alone” time helps set the tone for your day.  It’s your few moments to get that right mentality in place to have a productive and successful day.  What you do during this time doesn’t matter.  Start your morning routine, sit in absolute silence, eat breakfast alone, or have your ritual morning drink.  Whatever it is, just do something that makes you feel good, boosts your mood, and gets those happy vibes going.   Work From home secret #2: have a solid morning routine Again, we’ve all heard this one before.  We aren’t trying to reinvent the wheel here!  We are just trying to have common sense systems and schedules in place to help your day run more smoothly.  Because of this, having a solid morning routine is key.   Maybe you have a good morning routine in place, and if so, great!  But maybe you have tried implementing a morning routine in the past without much success.  The key is to not complicate things and keep your morning routine short and sweet.  For example, have two or three non-negotiables.  Repeating these tasks every single day for some time will cement the pattern in your brain, and before you know it, you have a good routine in place.   work from home Secret #3: set boundaries – for yourself & for your kids. Boundaries are super important when it comes to working from home.   One simple thing you can do is to have clearly defined working hours.  Having a set start and stop time for your workday helps keep those workaholic tendencies at bay.   Visual cues are great for your kids to understand that you are in “work mode.”  For example, when your kids see you sitting down at the computer or on the phone, they know that mom is off-limits and working.  Also, having a dedicated workspace cues your children to when you are working.  Of course, kids are kids, and they will interrupt you.  When that happens, gently remind your children that this is your working time, and you will address them in an “x” amount of time.   It’s also important to make sure you schedule breaks throughout the day.  Take a break for lunch and maybe even indulge in some vitamin D time with your kids. work from home secret #4: take advantage of naps or when your kids are busy. Those blocks of time when our kids are napping or busy with other activities are built-in work opportunities.  Learning how to optimize this time and focusing on those tasks that require your complete concentration will help you increase your productivity tenfold.  Instead of using this time to catch up on household tasks, use it for work responsibilities. work from home secret #5: Teach independent play. As a mother to a “Velcro” child of my own, I know what it feels like to have a child that requires more of your time and attention.  We savor those moments because we know that they won’t last forever.  However, it is also important to teach your child how to entertain themselves for periods as well.  This will give you time to get some of those tasks off your to-do list.   The key is to find and choose activities that are appropriate for your child’s age and skills.  Independent play is not just for older children, but rather short spurts of Independent play are valuable from the time your child is a baby.  Independent play teaches your child to be creative, learn problem-solving skills, and focus on a specific task or problem.   When your child is very young, don’t expect these independent play times to last very long, but as your child grows, these times will get longer and enable you to have more time for other tasks.   work from home secret #6: have a schedule, but be flexible. I find that having a general schedule is important to the flow of my day as a work-from-home mom.  This was especially true when my children were younger.  Kids thrive when they have a good idea of what is next up on the agenda. As my children have grown, a schedule is still important for us.  My kids know that after they wake up, have some movement, and eat breakfast, it is time for them to start their schoolwork.  They know what activities are on what days, allowing them to better manage their time and school responsibilities. Of course, one of the beautiful things about being home with your kids is the flexibility that affords you should plans change.  Allow for flexibility in your schedule because, inevitably, there will be those sick days, spontaneous field trips, and unexpected emergencies.   work from home secret #7: get out of your pajamas. I know the allure of not having to get dressed up and staying in your pajamas all day.  Believe

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surprising uses for coconut oil in your home

Surprising Uses for Coconut Oil in your Home

**Disclaimer:** I am not a medical professional.  The following information is based on my research as I seek to heal my body.  Please consult with your doctor before making any medical decisions. Coconut oil is a natural product used for many purposes, from health to household tasks.  There are three main types: unrefined (virgin), refined, and fractionated. Unrefined coconut oil is the least processed, made from fresh coconut flesh, and can be extracted using heat or cold pressure.  Refined coconut oil comes from dried coconut meat and has a higher smoke point of 450°F, making it suitable for cooking.  Fractionated coconut oil is liquid oil created by heating coconut oil and removing solid fats. There is ongoing debate about its benefits, with some considering it a valuable home product and others disputing its claims.  Regardless, below are some of my favorite uses for coconut oil. coconut oil for skin & body care. Coconut oil is beneficial for skin and body care.  For example, you can create a homemade deodorant by mixing it with baking soda and cornstarch.  The combination of coconut oil and baking soda helps control odor, while the cornstarch absorbs moisture.  If you are sensitive to corn, you can use arrowroot powder as an alternative. It is also versatile when it comes to haircare.  For example, it makes great hair oil.  Use it nightly for hair oiling to reduce split ends and frizz, or as a hair mask prior to showering.   Make shampoo by combining it with water and castile soap.  Add your favorite essential oil to create your own customized scent.  A 2021 study suggested that coconut oil may alleviate symptoms of dandruff by improving the scalp microbiome and helping to maintain a healthy scalp.   There are many oral care uses as well.  For centuries, people have been using coconut oil for “oil pulling.”  People claim that oil pulling helps eliminate bad breath, prevent cavities, maintain healthy gums, and even whiten teeth.  To oil pull take a teaspoon of oil in your mouth prior to brushing your teeth, and swish it around for up to twenty minutes.  When the time has elapsed, make sure you spit out the oil from your mouth to prevent reintroducing bad bacteria into your system.   After oil pulling, you can make toothpaste by combining coconut oil with mint essential oil and baking soda.  For longer-lasting results, store your homemade toothpaste in the fridge.  Finally, during those cold winter months, use it as a natural lip balm. Coconut oil can even be used in your daily skincare routine. For example, it makes a great makeup remover. Slather some on your face at the end of the day, and you will be surprised how quickly your makeup melts away.   It can also be used as a facial cleanser.  The “oil cleansing method” may sound counter-intuitive, but is surprisingly effective.  Take some oil and gently rub it into your face.  Then, use a warm washcloth and remove the excess.  It will leave your skin feeling hydrated and clean, unlike any other commercial products. Also, it is great for a weekly face mask. Add some oil to your favorite homemade mask recipe and enjoy its antioxidant and hydrating properties. You can also mix coconut oil with sugar to create a DIY body scrub to use while you wait for your face mask. Some people even claim to have success treating their acne with coconut oil due to its inherent antioxidant properties. This is controversial because it is said to be comedogenic, but it is worth a shot! It may aid in the production of collagen, which means it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, and under-eye puffiness.  Also, the antioxidants in coconut oil may help diminish the appearance of age spots. Furthermore, use it as shaving oil.  Just rub some on and shave as normal.  You will be surprised by how smooth it leaves your skin feeling and how long your shave lasts.  Also, apply the oil as an aftershave.  Finally, you can use coconut oil as a body oil any time you get out of the shower.  Remember, oil absorbs best on slightly damp skin. coconut oil for health care. Coconut oil has many uses for health care, so it doesn’t hurt to have some in your medicine cabinet.  For instance, it has anti-viral properties, making it beneficial for cold sores. Furthermore, because it is antibacterial and antifungal, containing a substance called lauric acid, it may help treat infections, such as yeast infections, athlete’s foot, and candida. Skin infections may also benefit from the use of coconut oil.  Again, because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it may help with symptoms associated with poison ivy, poison oak, bug bites and stings, and chicken pox by helping to relieve symptoms such as itchiness. Also, some suggest using it to speed up the healing of sunburn.  Just make sure that you wait twenty-four hours before applying the oil to ensure that the heat has left the burn and doesn’t get trapped.  In the same way, it may help speed up the healing of bruises. A 2019 study shows that coconut oil may also help ease symptoms of eczema and dermatitis, by suppressing inflammation and helping to protect the skin barrier. It can also be used to treat lice, because its fatty properties create a slippery environment, making it harder for lice to grip hair follicles. Antioxidants found in coconut oil are incredibly beneficial for our bodies.  For example, these properties may help reduce stress.  Furthermore, they may help those suffering from chronic and degenerative diseases.  A 2017 study suggests that coconut oil helps protect the brain in those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It can help relieve symptoms of heartburn and reflux for some.  Just take a spoonful of oil after meals to help reduce some of those uncomfortable symptoms. Finally, as previously mentioned, coconut oil is also full of beneficial MCTs.  These MCTs and medium-chain fatty acids can be part of a healthy weight

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